1 research outputs found

    Influence of Parents’ Level of Education and Occupation on the Academic Achievement of Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work Trade Students of Technical Colleges of Adamawa State

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    This study was conducted to investigate the influence of parents’ level of education and parents’ occupation on the academic achievement of electrical installation and maintenance work trade students in technical colleges of Adamawa State. The study has two specific purposes and two research questions. Similarly, two hypotheses were formulated and tested at alpha value of 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The area of the study is Adamawa State of Nigeria. The population for the study comprised ninety four Senior Secondary School year three electrical installation and maintenance works trade students in the three State technical colleges in Adamawa State. There was no sampling as the entire population was studied. The instrument used for the study was standardized achievement test questions adopted from NABTEB past question papers. Validity of the instrument was ascertained through face and content validity. Test re-test method of establishing reliability was used and the reliability index was computed by correlating the two scores using Pearson Product Moment Correlation formula and a reliability coefficient of 0.78 was obtained. The data were analyzed using SPSS (version 22). Mean and Standard deviation was computed using SPSS to answer all the Research Questions. ANOVA was used to test the two hypotheses. Findings were made based on the research questions and hypotheses, among them are: Parents level of education and parents’ occupation has no significant influence on the academic achievement of EIMW Students. It was therefore recommended that, Parents who are not educated or have low educational level should endeavour to allow the students take extracoaching class to improve their academic performance